We will be covering important DSA question majorly in Java with solution preferred practice link or reference link also be there you just need to follow the content accordingly !
1. Array
Binary Search Reverse Array Two Arrays are equal or not First Element to Occur K items Subarray with given sum Missing number in array Sort an array of 0s, 1s and 2s Leaders in an array Largest subarray with 0 sum Array Subset of another array Longest Common Prefix in an Array Minimize the sum of product Find all pairs with a given sum Minimum number of jumps Kadane's Algorithm Minimize the Heights Minimum Swaps to Sort Swapping pairs make sum equal Find the element that appears once in sorted array Anagram First non-repeating character in a stream Smallest window in a string containing all the characters of another string
2. Recursion
3. Sorting
4. Searching
5. String
6. Linked List
7. Stack -Queue
8. Hashing
9. Tree
10. Dynamic Programing
11. Graphs
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